Rights and Duties of Members
The members of Ambios Portugal do not pay quotas. The contribution that the association expects from its members is the involvement, according to their interests and experience, in the activities that will be developed in favor of sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity.
Members’ rights
- Benefit from the services provided and the means of Ambios Portugal;
- Be informed of the activities developed by the association;
- Present in writing to the Board proposals for concrete actions, suggestions, requests for information, etc.
- To freely express their opinion, under their responsibility, on any matter concerning Ambios Portugal, sustainable development or the conservation of biodiversity;
- To be part of delegations, commissions, sections, working groups and others that may be constituted;
- To elect and be elected to the Governing Bodies and to enjoy a deliberative vote in the General Meetings (with the exception of the Youth Members);
- Participate actively in the General Assemblies.
Members’ duties
- Complying with and enforcing the rules governing Ambios Portugal;
- Participate actively in associative life;
- Ethically carry out its activities (professional or otherwise) in the field of sustainable development and biodiversity conservation;
- Do not impair the professional or associative rights of other members, in spirit of effective solidarity.