Ambios Portugal

Scientific Association for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation


Article 1
Denomination, headquarters, and duration

1. The not-for-profit association adopts the denomination Ambios Portugal – Scientific Association for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation, and has its headquarters in Observatório do Sobreiro e da Cortiça, Zona Industrial do Monte da Barca, lote 41, Coruche, união de freguesias de Coruche, Fajarda e Erra, concelho de Coruche, and will be constituted for an undetermined period.
2. The association’s legal person is numbered at 514761300 and the social security number is 25147613000.

Article 2

The association aims for the diffusion of scientific culture and the promotion of public involvement in science, based in the principles and practice of sustainable development and biodiversity conservation, envisioning the quality of life (including humans, flora and fauna) and of the environment in general.

Article 3

The association’s revenues include:
(a) the initial set-up fee paid by the members;
(b) the proceeds of the contributions fixed by the general assembly;
(c) income from the assets of the association and income from social activities;
(d) the donations accepted by the association;
(e) the allowances allocated to it.

Article 4

1. The organs of the association are the general assembly, the management and the fiscal council.
2. The mandate of heads of the social organs is 3 years.

Article 5
General assembly

1. The general assembly is constituted by all the associates, in full enjoyment of their rights.
2. The powers of the general assembly, and the way in which they operate, shall be those established in the Civil Code, in particular in Article 170, and in Articles 172 to 179.
3. The board of the general assembly shall consist of three members, a chairman and two secretaries, who shall be responsible for leading the meetings of the assembly, and drawing up the minutes thereof.

Article 6

1. The board of directors, elected at a general assembly, shall be composed of three members.
2. The management is responsible for the social, administrative and financial management of the association, and represents the association in court and outside it.
3. The form of its functioning is established in Article 171 of the Civil Code.
4. The association shall be bound by two members.

Article 7
Fiscal council

1. The fiscal council, elected at a general assembly, is composed of three members.
2. The supervisory board is responsible for supervising the administrative and financial acts of the management, supervising its accounts and reports, and giving opinions on acts that imply an increase in expenses or a decrease in revenues.
3. The form of its functioning is established in Article 171 of the Civil Code.

Article 8
Admission and exclusion

The conditions for admission and exclusion of members, their categories, rights and obligations, shall be included in a regulation to be approved by the general assembly.

Article 9
Extinction, destination of goods

Once the association is extinguished, the destination of the assets that integrate the social patrimony, that are not affected for determined purpose, and that have not been donated or left with some charge, will be object of the members’ deliberation.

On the 29 days of the month of January for the year 2018